Resident data ends at a4cc, program starts at a4cc, file ends at 37cf4 Starting analysis pass at address a4cc End of analysis pass, low address = a4cc, high address = 326dc [Start of text] S001: "The Family Legacy" S002: " An Interactive Ghost (???) Story v 1.1 Copyright (c) 1997 by The Tame Computer, Marnie Parker, all rights reserved. " S003: "970918" S004: "6/7" S005: "a" S006: "---" S007: "the" S008: "The " S009: "the " S010: "a " S011: "The " S012: "the " S013: "an " S014: "The " S015: "the " S016: "some " S017: "The " S018: "the " S019: "some " S020: "N = next subject" S021: "P = previous" S022: " Q = resume game" S023: "Q = previous menu" S024: "RETURN = read subject" S025: "Score: " S026: "Moves: " S027: "Time: " S028: "You can't go that way." S029: "your former self" S030: "yourself" S031: "Darkness" S032: "those things" S033: "that" S034: " or " S035: "nothing" S036: " is" S037: " are" S038: "is " S039: "are " S040: " and " S041: "whom " S042: "which " S043: "" S044: "The evil that men do lives after them," S045: "The good is oft interred in their bones." S046: "" S047: " Julius Caesar" S048: " William Shakespeare" S049: "" S050: "some" S051: "some" S052: "some" S053: "some" S054: "It is a brand you are unfamiliar with and the vintage is very old." S055: "wine bottles" S056: "a" S057: "peanut butter & jelly sandwiches" S058: "an" S059: "some" S060: "The afternoon sun's rays slant on the lower section of the front stairs." S061: "You need to get back to your room to change your clothes before supper." S062: "You are a young boy, wearing ridding clothes and spurs. You are somewhat dirty and a frog twitches in your pocket." S063: "It is a large pocket." S064: "Freddy looks comfortable, not unhappy at all, he is riding quite snugly on top of everything else in your pocket. While YOU were riding, you spotted him. Trying to get up him out of that bush while leaning from the horse, is why you fell, of course, but you still managed to get him later. He must be hungry, too." S065: "Slipped to you by Nanny, this is the only money you have had for months. If you ever get into the village you plan to buy a bag of sweets." S066: "Trusty old sling shot. You just practiced with it this morning. Hit the milk can 2 out of 3 times, too. Course, cook got mad about the can, but, honestly, you had genuinely forgotten the milk was still it in." S067: "three" S068: "Just the right size for your sling shot, but you need to find more." S069: "some" S070: "Leaves from the bush where you found Freddy. You want him to feel at home." S071: "Father's monocle case. The monocle itself got buried under that avalanche with him and Mummy. You feel sad every time you look at it, but wouldn't part with it for the world." S072: "The stairs turn back on themselves as they continue up or sweep straight down." S073: "On the northern wall is a long, gilt-framed mirror." S074: "This is the upper section of the front stairs." S075: "Uncle stands at the top of the stairs." S076: "He seems like he SHOULD be jolly, with that fat belly and red face. But he is anything BUT. You have a hard time looking at him directly, you always seem to see disapproval in his eyes. He usually makes you feel guilty about SOMETHING." S077: "It is a slightly curved wood banister, well-polished." S078: "Your candle flame illuminates a T junction. Two tunnels met here, the stem tunnel heads west back to the mansion, the crossing one leads north and south." S079: "You are NOT going back. It took you too long to work up the courage to leave." S080: "As you automatically start to head south toward the gatehouse exit, you remember John wrote he would be at the sea exit." S081: "You are a petite, young woman, wearing a warm wool coat and dress. Your pale face and the dark circles under your eyes, detract from your usual beauty." S082: "In the brass candle holder is a long white candle." S083: "HIS prize possession. You only wish you could deprive him of more." S084: "It holds everything you could stuff into it in such haste." S085: "The tunnel got damper as you traveled north, it comes to an end here. Through a hole in the tunnel floor, you can see some rocky stairs." S086: "You hope your courage isn't failing. No, the urge to turn back was momentary." S087: "Chiseled, rock stairs go up and down. The smell of the sea comes from below." S088: "But you are so near your goal. John is below and you are eager to see him." S089: "This is a small, sand-bottomed cave. Fresh air blows in from the north, through the open cave entrance. You know the beach and waiting rowboat lay outside, just a few steps away. South, a flight of rock stairs leads up." S090: "A nondescript, slender, redheaded man, to your eyes he is immensely handsome." S091: "Against one wall is a closed wooden crate." S092: "His black hair is still tousled from sleep. He looks extremely angry, his face sullen as a brewing storm. Seeing that scowling visage, you quaver internally." S093: "This room always pleases you. The babe did a good job decorating it. You like the streamlined, black & turquoise-enameled, chrome-plated furniture and mammoth, circular bed. But the piece de resistance, as Raquel always says (you love it when she does anything French), has to be the cocktail cabinet. Doorways are south, northwest, southwest and french doors are north." S094: "You decide, no. The night air might chill you after the heat of the party." S095: "Already been to the bathroom. Have to admit you look good in this monkey suit." S096: "No need for the closet. You're not Raquel, changing your clothes every hour." S097: "You are a big, handsome man, stretching the seams of your tuxedo. Also, a classy (ostentatious) diamond stickpin is stuck prominently in your lapel." S098: "It is a very classy, but then it should be. You're a classy guy." S099: "You stock your bar well, so they all have booze in them." S100: "You don't need to look at yourself again, you're not THAT vain." S101: "an" S102: "A portrait of yourself hangs over a small fireplace." S103: "It's very comfortable, you should know. A broad smile spreads across your face." S104: "an" S105: "Something is written across the face, in block letters." S106: "It is a combination dial with the numbers, 1-35." S107: "The lamps on the white-clothed tables lining the stone walls, illuminate the ballroom with tiny circles of light. Their romantic glow reveals dancing couples cavorting to the tunes of a tuxedoed band playing on the gallery and a cluster of die-hard party goers crowding the bar under it. An archway is west." S108: "This is no time to go back upstairs, you still need to check out the vault." S109: "Eddie's just ordinary muscle (who can also mix drinks, his gin sling is great), but getting him to wear a monkey suit to bar tend is a nightly hassle." S110: "a" S111: "It's the usual bunch, most are pretty potted." S112: "some" S113: "You can't see Raquel among the dancers. That's the second place you thought she'd be." S114: "There is an opening in the western wall, a doorway is east." S115: "You're no sniveling coward, you're not going to cut and run." S116: "The wine rack is full of bottles, except for three very important holes." S117: "This square, metal-lined room feels like a big, walk-in safe. There is a table in the middle of the room. A door is east." S118: "You're willing to make book that Louie would take exception to that." S119: "Raquel is a drop dead gorgeous (you hope that's not prophetic) brunette. And her firetruck red dress (meant to start fires not douse them) ought to be ticketed, the way it hugs those luscious curves. She is also lugging the sword." S120: "YOUR sword. Raquel's got a lot to answer for, the cash is the least of it." S121: "It's empty that's what." S122: "That's got to be the loot. ALL of the loot. Louie was greedy." S123: "a" S124: "They are labeled with the names of types of liquors (gin, rum, etc.), but strangely there are no distillery or brand names." S125: "Raquel has written on the back in lipstick, "be ready, love". Looks like she's still playing both ends against the middle." S126: "It's a l-o-n-g walk back to town." S127: "Wandering off won't get you that ten million (plus)." S128: "a" S129: "It depicts an animal, but the art work is so bad, you are not sure which animal. Maybe it is mythical, like a griffin. Or a unicorn with a migraine headache." S130: "The long hedge blocks your way." S131: "The circular drive curves northwest to the mansion, southwest to the gate." S132: "A jutting mansion wing blocks your way." S133: "The stone wall of the gatehouse blocks your way." S134: "The circular drive curves northeast to the mansion, southeast to the gate." S135: "A jutting mansion wing blocks your way." S136: "A high hedge blocks your way." S137: "The stone wall of the gatehouse blocks your way." S138: "A hedge (badly overgrown, in need of serious trimming) blocks your way." S139: "A hedge (badly overgrown, in need of serious trimming) blocks your way." S140: "This (dead) lawn is on the other side of the jutting west wing of the mansion. Windows are northeast and northwest, a door is north and the west lawn is south." S141: "The mansion wall blocks your way." S142: "A hedge (badly overgrown, in need of serious trimming) blocks your way." S143: "This was once a topiary, but the hedges are so overgrown, the former animal shapes are lost. Now the hedges just look strangely humped and grotesque. The east lawn is east, the mansion is north. There is a window here." S144: "A grotesque hedge blocks your way." S145: "This terrace overlooks the ocean. North, beyond a narrow strip of dead grass, is the edge of a cliff. More dead grass is east, a door is southwest and french doors are southeast. There is also a break in the western hedge." S146: "Since that would ENSURE Melvin would inherit, you stop." S147: "The mansion wall blocks your way." S148: "This is a north-south pathway between two tall hedges. There is two breaks in the eastern hedge, at the northern and southern ends." S149: "The hedges are impassible." S150: "This area of dead grass leads east and west. The heaped dirt mounds from gopher holes are scattered over the ground. The cliff edge is north." S151: "You reconsider when you look at the drop to the sea below." S152: "The mansion wall blocks your way." S153: "This was obviously once a kitchen garden. There are still a few overgrown herbs here, now as wild as weeds. There is a door south." S154: "A high hedge blocks your way." S155: "You decide, no, you don't REALLY want to throw yourself off the cliff." S156: "A mansion wall blocks your way." S157: "Sticking out of the ground is a short metal stake." S158: "some" S159: "This is the northern end of a circular drive which curves away to the southeast and southwest. North are the imposing front steps of the mansion." S160: "The corner of the mansion's east wing blocks your way." S161: "The corner of the mansion's west wing blocks your way." S162: "an" S163: "Wide, shallow steps lead up to the front door, down to the north drive." S164: "A mansion wall blocks your way." S165: "This is a spacious marble-floored foyer, lined with the portraits of starring people in stiff poses. North are a hallway and broad staircase. A door is south." S166: "the" S167: "It is a slightly curved wood banister, well-polished." S168: "It is a small, hard rubber ball." S169: "At the western end of the hall is a bay window. Doorways are south and north." S170: "The portrait of a dark, sardonic man hangs on one wall between some shelves." S171: "Between the southern and eastern windows is a well-worn, wing-back chair." S172: "Next to the chair is a small trestle table." S173: "Titled, "MacAdam Family History", the fly-leaf shows the publisher is, "Vanity Press", the publishing date is, "1965", and the author is, "Clinton MacAdam"." S174: "There is an upright piano near the french doors." S175: "It is a modest upright piano." S176: "the" S177: "some" S178: "At the eastern end of the hall is a wide archway. Two more are north and south." S179: "Hanging over a large fireplace is a portrait of a pompous-looking man." S180: "It is a poker, a thick iron bar with a slightly curved and blunt point." S181: "This room is dominated by a massive, ornate mahogany table that looks like it could easily seat an army (or sink a ship). On the northern wall is an equally impressive breakfront with swing doors on either side of it, leading northeast and northwest. A wide archway is south." S182: "This is an old-fashioned kitchen with worn black and white tiles and old, smooth-cornered, white, gas appliances. A window is northeast. A door is northwest, doorways are east and west. Swing doors are southeast and southwest." S183: "This enclosed, cramped, corkscrew staircase, winds up and down." S184: "This tiny room is filled with pine shelves. Doorways are east and west." S185: "From all those gifts you received, you can tell it is in Arnie's handwriting. It is dated from about four months ago." S186: "A short flight of rough wood stairs leads down and up." S187: "This brick-lined cellar is cool and dry. A doorway is east." S188: "This square, metal-lined room feels like a big, walk-in safe. There is a table in the middle of the room. A door is east." S189: "It is a grayish, paper sleeve, just like the kind of paper loop that businesses and banks wrap around a stack of money to hold it together." S190: "On the floor near the table, a mummified body is neatly laid out." S191: ""Ugh!" You don't want to look too closely, there is still a disintegrating tuxedo (not to mention, flesh and other things) on the body. But in your darting glances, you notice it looks like an execution. Except for the neat round hole in the forehead, the body almost looks like it was prepared for a formal viewing, flat on its back, with its legs stretched out straight, arms by its sides." S192: "Partially under the body is a tarnished, silver cigarette case." S193: "The vault door is closed." S194: "This echoing, cavernous chamber is drafty, maybe because the blue-gray walls are stone. A large gothic-arched window is south. At the northern end, the ornately pierced and carved oak balustrade of a musicians' gallery hangs overhead, the warm wood in sharp contrast against the cold stone. A wide archway is west." S195: "a" S196: "A collection of weapons bristles barbarically on the eastern wall." S197: "It appears to be a pretty typical spear." S198: "It appears to be a pretty typical spear." S199: "An unmarked shield, it is rather ordinary." S200: "An unmarked shield, it is rather ordinary." S201: "Attractive, but it is only of historical interest." S202: "You can only see the balustrade from here." S203: "Chiseled, rocky steps go up and down." S204: "The hidden door is closed." S205: "The stairs turn back on themselves as they continue up or sweep straight down." S206: "It is a slightly curved wood banister, well-polished." S207: "On the northern wall is a long, gilt-framed mirror." S208: "A large wooden door, the brass knocker is cast in the shape of sailing ship." S209: "The front door is standing open." S210: "The front door is closed." S211: "This the middle of an east-west hallway. A broad staircase with a graceful wood banister leads down. A doorway is south, a door is east." S212: "It is a slightly curved wood banister, well-polished." S213: "There is a sheet hanging here." S214: "This the western end of an east-west hallway. A window is west, a door is south, doorways are northeast and northwest." S215: "This dark-toned room has a masculine feel. A built-in oak bed faces a slanting multi-paned, northern window. Both bed and window look like they came from a captain's cabin. This nautical air is reinforced by the numerous paintings of storm-tossed ships which sail on the walls. Doorways are south, east and west." S216: "On the wall at the head of the bed, are shelves surrounded by dowels (to keep things from falling off in rough seas.)" S217: "some" S218: "A mirror still hangs on one wall, but the rods are empty. A small window is west and a doorway is east." S219: "A huge, old-fashioned, claw-footed tub completely dwarfs the other fixtures." S220: "It sits high off the floor on its claw-feet." S221: "A magpie's nest is built at the edge of the roof. The sloping shingles continue east and a window is above you to the south." S222: "The sloping shingles continue west. East, above you is the widow's walk." S223: "This flowery room is obviously feminine. Violet ruffles flounce around the large brass bed and skirt the mirrored vanity. The vanity is placed conveniently near the northern bay window, but the bed appears to be deliberated turned away from it, in rejection. Doorways are south, west and east." S224: "A violet and blue-toned print, covered with butterflies and flowers." S225: "Great brass bed, you wouldn't mind having one just like it. Hmmm, if you play this right, you realize you WILL. This bed, in fact." S226: "Attached to the vanity is a circular mirror." S227: "It is faded, but the old-fashioned handwriting is still legible." S228: "Rods are on two walls and on the eastern wall is an arrangement of shelves, drawers and a floor-length cupboard. A doorway is west." S229: "To the cursory glance, there is nothing special about the walls." S230: "It is a tiny, old-fashioned, 8 keyhole." S231: "The cupboard door is open." S232: "The cupboard door is closed." S233: "The cupboard wall is closed." S234: "A long flight of wooden stairs leads straight down, south, into darkness. The back of the cupboard is west." S235: "This claustrophobic, damp, rocky tunnel heads east and west." S236: "Two tunnels met here in a T junction. The stem tunnel heads west back to the mansion, the crossing tunnel leads north and south." S237: "The southern tunnel dead ends here at rock fall, where the wall has caved in." S238: "You really have no desire to slam into the rock. You can go back north." S239: "The tunnel got damper as you traveled north, it comes to an end here. Through a hole in the tunnel floor, you can see some rocky stairs." S240: "This tunnel is short, dry and rocky. North a rock fall blocks the way. A flight of steep stone stairs is west and south a wall-mounted ladder goes up." S241: "You would run (or walk or skip) face first into rock, not a pleasant idea." S242: "A high hedge blocks your way." S243: "Leaning against the gatehouse is a shovel." S244: "It is a just under 5 feet long and stuck to blade are several clods of dirt." S245: "On the ground next to it is a coiled up rope." S246: "Chiseled, rock stairs go up and down. The smell of the sea comes from below." S247: "This is a small, sand-bottomed cave. Fresh air blows in from the north, passing through a crevice by the large boulder almost blocking the entrance. The beach apparently lies that way. Sea water must occasionally wash in here (probably during hurricanes and the like). Pools of standing water have collected in every sandy dip and rocky hollow. South, a flight of rock stairs leads up." S248: "A boulder has been rolled in front of the cave entrance, almost closing it. A crack on one side of it still lets through air." S249: "Partially buried in the sand is a rowboat, filled with dark water." S250: "an" S251: "Under the rowboat, the end of an oar is sticking out." S252: "Against one wall is a savagely ripped-open crate." S253: "some" S254: "The Gatling guns are rusty, it is very unlikely that they work." S255: "a couple of" S256: "The beach extends west to east. Overhead is a steep, unclimbable cliff. From this side, you realize the dark slit of the cave entrance is almost invisible against the rock. North, the ocean stretches to the horizon. The cave is south." S257: "The cliff is too steep to climb (without climbing gear, anyway)." S258: "Wandering off won't get you that ten million (plus)." S259: "This is a short hallway with doorways leading west and south, a door north." S260: "Faded striped wallpaper peels above a white-painted wainscot. Most of the contents are gone, but a few forlorn, child-sized school desks, with attached chairs, still cluster at one end of the room below a wall-mounted blackboard. Windows are west and south and a door is northeast, a doorway southeast." S261: "Of different eras and styles, they are covered with carved initials and doodles. On the oldest one you can still discern the name, "Andrew."" S262: "Once painted bright red, it is faded and the real horsehair mane is almost gone (doubtless pulled out by generations of small grasping hands)." S263: "Only two small beds and a barred crib remain here. A window is south, doorways are west, north, northeast and southeast." S264: "Hanging over the crib is a wooden mobile of sailing ships." S265: "Made of wood, the dangling pieces are exquisitely carved sailing ships." S266: "This is an old-fashioned bathroom, of no interest whatsoever. A doorway is west." S267: "A single-sized bed almost fills this dinky room. A doorway is west." S268: "Under the southern window is a battered nightstand." S269: "It is a little book, with, "Diary", on the cover in gilt letters. Only a few pages are filled in." S270: "Doors are at either end of this east-west hallway. Another doorway is north." S271: "This is a narrow north-south corridor. A door is west." S272: "The corridor ends at a door. West, a short flight of stairs heads up." S273: "The door to the servants' wing is open." S274: "The door to the servants' wing is closed." S275: "The corridor deadends here. A corkscrew stairway is west, a doorway is east." S276: "This room has been redecorated in the art deco style with streamlined, black & turquoise-enameled, chrome-plated furniture. A superking-sized, circular bed commands the center of the room and a veneered maple cocktail cabinet is against one wall. Doorways are south, northwest, southwest and french doors are north." S277: "The portrait of a likable rascal hangs over a small fireplace." S278: "It looks very comfortable (and very BIG)." S279: "an" S280: "It is heavy, octagonal onyx ashtray, with a depression in the middle." S281: "an" S282: "an" S283: "a" S284: "The french doors are open." S285: "The french doors are closed." S286: "You see yourself, rather blue-looking, (but still looking-good, blue suits you)." S287: "an" S288: "Something is written across the face, in block letters." S289: "It is a combination dial with the numbers, 1-35." S290: "This is a walk-in closet, of little interest to anyone. A doorway is east." S291: "This has also been luxuriously redecorated. The gold-fixtured double sinks show it was intended to be used by two. The rows of empty sockets for stage-style dressing room lights, which frame a blank spot where a mirror once was, indicate one (or both) were probably vain. A doorway is east." S292: "a" S293: "This balcony is called a "widow's walk" because women used to pace back and forth here, staring at the sea, watching (often vainly) for the sails of missing ships to appear the horizon. You can see the edge of a cliff and far below that, the ocean. French doors are south." S294: "Fortunately, a railing blocks your way." S295: "A railing encloses the widow's walk." S296: "It looks sturdy and reliable, just like a railing should." S297: "This sloping-roofed room has a low dormer window on each wall. Someone has cleared aisles between the junk, providing a little space to move around. The rest of the floor and walls are crowded with: a dressmaker's dummy leaking stuffing, several faded triangular school pennants, an elephant's foot stool, a cracked and chipped china pitcher & washbowl, some stacked ladder-back chairs, a sled missing its runners, a couple of rusty spurs, a leather trunk, some broken badminton rackets, a walnut dresser, a cheval glass without its mirror, and other damaged, discarded or forgotten items. Some stairs lead down." S298: "several" S299: "an" S300: "some" S301: "some" S302: "The small skeleton (you guess the child was 8-10) is folded with its knees to its chest. The side of the skull is caved in and several bones are broken. Your eyes blur, making it for hard you to see, but you still mistily spot some little things scattered near the hips, things a boy might carry in his pocket." S303: "some" S304: "They appear to be the kind of little things that would naturally collect in a boy's pocket during his daily adventures." S305: "an" S306: "This is a balcony looking down on the ballroom floor below. The contrast in textures, oak against stone, make it obvious the gallery was added on later. A northern window with a wide ledge reaches just to the level of the floor of the gallery. There are two stone steps, one east in front of an iron door, another one west in front of the gallery door. The carved balustrade is south." S307: " too far away." S308: " too far away." S309: " too far away." S310: "The window ledge is fairly wide and made of stone." S311: "You are on the stone window ledge." S312: "It's a stone step under the gallery doorway." S313: "You are on the western stone step in front of the gallery doorway." S314: "It's a stone step under the iron door." S315: "You are on the eastern stone step in front of the iron door." S316: "Attractive, but it is only of historical interest." S317: "an" S318: "The iron door is open." S319: "The iron door is closed." S320: "This circular, stone stairway winds up and down the outside wall of the turret." S321: "The eastern window slit is too narrow for you to get through." S322: "The western window slit is too narrow for you to get through." S323: "The southern window slit is too narrow for you to get through." S324: "The northern window slit is too narrow for you to get through." S325: "Hanging upside down from the rafters must be at least fifty bats." S326: "They are little brown bats, with big ears, pointy faces and leathery wings. Most are asleep, but a few beady eyes stare at you. They are NOT cute." S327: "Covering the floor is a large quantity of guano." S328: ""Ugh!" You feel no compelling need to LOOK at the stuff, but you can tell most of it is dry." S329: "a" S330: "an" S331: "The post is about 15 feet high, it goes straight up without a break." S332: "On one wall is a faded tapestry." S333: "Moth-eaten and faded, it is hard to see scene clearly, but it looks like a field of battle, two clashing armies with sword-wielding soldiers. Rather bloody." S334: "It is a small, shiny brass key." S335: "an" S336: "a" S337: "It looks a lot like yours, actually." S338: "Like all guns, it looks quite deadly." S339: "Like all guns, it looks quite deadly." S340: "Like all guns, it looks quite deadly." S341: "It is overgrown." S342: "It's just as forbidding as it was the last time you looked at it, a sprawling monstrosity with jutting wings, odd angles and a circular turret." S343: "some" S344: "Before it was so rudely broken, this was a hurricane lamp." S345: "" S346: "The surest way to disturb the center of gravity" S347: "is by the skillful employment of a good joke." S348: "" S349: " Mark Twain" S350: "" S351: "(1/3) Obviously, you need to pry the boards off (with more than your hands, karate not being your forte)." S352: "(2/3) Yep, there is a tool laying around somewhere that will help. You are definitely getting warm." S353: "(1/3) Can't find the eraser? Not surprising, there isn't one." S354: "(2/3) To write on the blackboard, you will have to wipe it CLEAN first." S355: "(1/3) How would you unstick a jammed soft drink machine?" S356: "(2/3) Okay, then, what did you do when you were a kid and your younger (older) brother (sister) burned all your comic books?" S357: "(1/3) What would a haunted house be without a hollow wall and a secret passage? There must be one. Hidden deep in some corner that is good at keeping secrets." S358: "(2/3) A deep and TALL corner..." S359: "(1/3) Have a GREAT party! There are a lot, aren't there? Wasn't the count, 100?" S360: "(2/3) True, since calculators, most of us can't count. But others of us hate to even SEE numbers because we are plagued by math anxiety. Been plagued lately?" S361: "(1/3) Whew! A simple question. Make sure the straps are unfastened before using the key." S362: "(2/3) The brass key for the brass lock, naturally. It's around somewhere, unless someone or something lifted it." S363: "(1/3) Fly? You'll have to get out on the roof. But be careful, remember most accidents happen at home (although roof falls are not actually number one)." S364: "(2/3) Naturally you know what IS the spot where most home accidents occur." S365: "(1/4) Well, it is pretty much common knowledge that magpies are attracted by and collect shiny objects. Having it take one from you is the problem." S366: "(2/4) Things put on the roof have an anguishing tendency to come to grief." S367: "(3/4) And it may all be in vain, anyway, since a bird can fly much faster than you can walk." S368: "(1/3) Pretty badly tarnished isn't it? Now where is that polish?" S369: "(2/3) Oh. There isn't any SILVER polish. Have to substitute something else then." S370: "(1/3) Merrily, merrily, gently down... well, obviously you can't search it and refuse to get in it (legitimately, I might say) when it is in a watery state." S371: "(2/3) If a rowboat full of water was in the ocean, I bet you'd know what to do." S372: "(1/4) Start an armory? Well, since they are hanging on the wall like sculpture, maybe you should examine them just the way you would sculpture. Closely." S373: "(2/4) Okay, a few do something when you fiddle with them, don't they?" S374: "(3/4) But they do have to be manipulated in the correct order. Being familiar with a certain American breakfast cereal's crisp theme song wouldn't hurt." S375: "(1/3) First, you might consider standing on something more SOLID..." S376: "(2/3) However, it looks like broad jumping is out. (Not that you could jump that far from a dead stop, luckily this isn't a collegian contest or Olympic event.)" S377: "(1/3) Have you looked at the door carefully?" S378: "(2/3) That IRON loop must have a purpose, don't you think?" S379: "(1/3) Adopt them? Ugh. Not only do you abhor them, the bats are obstructing. So like all vermin you need to either eliminate them or drive them out." S380: "(2/3) Hmmmmm, this is delicate, but the..., er, guano might be useful." S381: "(1/3) You have a big stake in this sword search. Ever heard of rock climbing? Mountain climbing? Look around for something that will substitute as gear." S382: "(2/3) You will also have to nail it in. Still puzzled? It's dictionary time!" S383: "(1/4) Carter is surly AND serious guy. He needs to lighten up, don't you think?" S384: "(2/4) But most people aren't amusingly startled (amusing to the puller, if not the pullee) by a practical joke if they can see it coming (anticipate it)." S385: "(3/4) So ordinary objects, under their very noses, are often the funniest." S386: "read" S387: "send message" S388: "apply 'ofclass' for" S389: "recreate" S390: "destroy" S391: "copy" S392: "copy" S393: "" S394: "name" S395: "create" S396: "recreate" S397: "destroy" S398: "remaining" S399: "copy" S400: "call" S401: "print" S402: "print_to_array" S403: "animate" S404: "absent" S405: "clothing" S406: "concealed" S407: "container" S408: "door" S409: "edible" S410: "enterable" S411: "general" S412: "light" S413: "lockable" S414: "locked" S415: "moved" S416: "on" S417: "open" S418: "openable" S419: "proper" S420: "scenery" S421: "scored" S422: "static" S423: "supporter" S424: "switchable" S425: "talkable" S426: "transparent" S427: "visited" S428: "workflag" S429: "worn" S430: "animal" S431: "male" S432: "female" S433: "neuter" S434: "pluralname" S435: "before" S436: "after" S437: "life" S438: "n_to" S439: "s_to" S440: "e_to" S441: "w_to" S442: "ne_to" S443: "se_to" S444: "nw_to" S445: "sw_to" S446: "u_to" S447: "d_to" S448: "in_to" S449: "out_to" S450: "door_to" S451: "with_key" S452: "door_dir" S453: "invent" S454: "plural" S455: "add_to_scope" S456: "list_together" S457: "react_before" S458: "react_after" S459: "grammar" S460: "orders" S461: "initial" S462: "when_open" S463: "when_closed" S464: "when_on" S465: "when_off" S466: "description" S467: "describe" S468: "article" S469: "cant_go" S470: "found_in" S471: "time_left" S472: "number" S473: "time_out" S474: "daemon" S475: "each_turn" S476: "capacity" S477: "short_name" S478: "short_name_indef" S479: "parse_name" S480: "articles" S481: "inside_description" S482: "play" S483: "Pronouns" S484: "Quit" S485: "Restart" S486: "Restore" S487: "Save" S488: "Verify" S489: "ScriptOn" S490: "ScriptOff" S491: "NotifyOn" S492: "NotifyOff" S493: "Places" S494: "Objects" S495: "Score" S496: "FullScore" S497: "Inv" S498: "Take" S499: "Drop" S500: "Remove" S501: "PutOn" S502: "Insert" S503: "EmptyT" S504: "Give" S505: "Show" S506: "Enter" S507: "GetOff" S508: "Exit" S509: "VagueGo" S510: "Go" S511: "LMode1" S512: "LMode2" S513: "LMode3" S514: "Look" S515: "Examine" S516: "LookUnder" S517: "Search" S518: "Unlock" S519: "Lock" S520: "SwitchOn" S521: "SwitchOff" S522: "Open" S523: "Close" S524: "Disrobe" S525: "Wear" S526: "Eat" S527: "Yes" S528: "No" S529: "Burn" S530: "Pray" S531: "Wake" S532: "WakeOther" S533: "Kiss" S534: "Think" S535: "Smell" S536: "Listen" S537: "Taste" S538: "Touch" S539: "Dig" S540: "Cut" S541: "Jump" S542: "JumpOver" S543: "Tie" S544: "Drink" S545: "Fill" S546: "Sorry" S547: "Strong" S548: "Mild" S549: "Attack" S550: "Swim" S551: "Swing" S552: "Blow" S553: "Rub" S554: "Set" S555: "SetTo" S556: "WaveHands" S557: "Wave" S558: "Pull" S559: "Push" S560: "Turn" S561: "PushDir" S562: "Squeeze" S563: "ThrowAt" S564: "Tell" S565: "Answer" S566: "Ask" S567: "Buy" S568: "Sing" S569: "Climb" S570: "Wait" S571: "Sleep" S572: "Consult" S573: "parse_input" S574: "AskFor" S575: "GiveR" S576: "ShowR" S577: "begin_action" S578: "end_turn_sequence" S579: "state" S580: "size" S581: "mouth_size" S582: "follow_dir" S583: "just_visited" S584: "other_obj" S585: "last_order" S586: "spotted" S587: "is_followable" S588: "foundordone" S589: "is_paper" S590: "is_bottle" S591: "is_vessel" S592: "is_liquid" S593: "is_burnable" S594: "is_tieable" S595: "can_tieto" S596: "out_doors" S597: "can_lighten" S598: "own_window" S599: "upstairs" S600: "downstairs" S601: "in_tunnel" S602: "in_basement" S603: "FillWith" S604: "Empty" S605: "Transfer" S606: "Read" S607: "LookBehind" S608: "KnockOn" S609: "se" S610: "Play" S611: "JumpTo" S612: "Version" S613: "InvTall" S614: "InvWide" S615: "GoIn" S616: "Help" S617: "Change" S618: "Xyzzy" S619: "Write" S620: "Wiggle" S621: "UnTie" S622: "Bail" S623: "Diagnose" S624: "Zip" S625: "Follow" S626: "NoFollow" S627: "BrushTeeth" S628: "LookOut" S629: "TakeBottle" S630: "PutBottle" S631: "TryPut" S632: "emblazon" S633: "select" [End of text] [End of file]